Benjamin Franklin
A word from the Directors
Messieurs les professeurs DEBAT et Dedeurwaerder

Directed by Professor Vincent Dussart until 2019, the Master II in Tax Law trains high-level tax specialists. Preferably aimed at students who have already had a general education in tax law, the Master II aims to perfect this education by taking a more in-depth and practical approach to the subject. Thanks to the combination of recognised practitioners and a strong, diversified team of academics – including both public and private academics – the courses offered provide students with a detailed, practical knowledge of tax law in all its aspects: corporate and personal taxation; domestic and international taxation; tax advice and tax litigation.
In addition, because theory and practice should not be pitted against each other, the Master II is open not only to professional students but also to research students who wish to go on to a doctorate: a research dissertation is then written in place of the compulsory work placement that completes the practical training in the professional field.
Armed with this knowledge and know-how, graduates of the Master II in Tax Law have a wide range of career opportunities open to them: tax lawyer, in-house tax specialist, consultant in an accountancy firm, asset manager in a financial institution, not forgetting a possible academic career for the few who choose the research route.
Monsieur le Professeur Gilles DEDEURWAERDER
Monsieur le Professeur Olivier DEBAT
Le Master Droit Fiscal de l’Entreprise donne une connaissance approfondie de l’ensemble du système fiscal par l’acquisition de bases théoriques et/ou pratiques du fonctionnement de la fiscalité.
Au programme
Le Master parcourt toute la fiscalité aussi bien des particuliers que des entreprises, en alliant théorique et pratique
Afin d’appréhender au mieux la matière fiscale, le Master intègre des enseignements en comptabilité et autres matières en droit des affaires
La procédure fiscale, matière fondamentale en droit fiscal, est enseignée de manière approfondie tout au long du cursus
Le Master dispense des enseignements en fiscalité internationale, notamment en anglais, pour répondre aux enjeux d’une économie mondialisée